Thursday, November 03, 2005

IPTV: To Stream, or Not to Stream; That is the Question.

925.M - Online Advertising Community - - IPTV: To Stream, or Not to Stream; That is the Question.: "This year we're seeing a lot of 'next big things' pop up. One of the latest ones is IPTV (AKA, TV shows available over the internet.)

Why all they hype? Comedy Central today debuted its new MotherLoad 'broadband optimized video channel.' It's just the same old streaming video technology that's been around since before 'Google' was a verb. Decent news sites have been offering streaming content for a long time now. I suppose it's because major broadcasters have finally mustered up enough guts to put stuff online, and the business climate, along with broadband saturation, has made online video a juicy investment. And I think it's good that some of the TV networks are putting their stuff online--it will encourage more people to abandon their TVs in favor of internet video. And yet, streaming video? That's so 2002. They're still holding back."


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