Friday, June 24, 2005

The Future Internet: Open or Closed? The Future Internet: Open or Closed?: "Many inside, as well as outside, America’s creative community passionately hope and believe that the rapidly approaching Internet of tomorrow -- high-speed, low-cost, and utterly pervasive -- will empower creators of media to better realize their creative visions and then share them directly with the audience, eliminating the corporate middleman distributor. Or, to hear some indelicately say it, excited voices full of glee, no more “clueless, tasteless, penny-pinching” studio and network “suits” to “muck up” a creator’s vision. No more “exorbitant” distribution costs, gatekeepers, and bottlenecks. No more “warping” a creative vision to appeal to a narrow and finicky demographic of television watchers or to sell the greatest amount of popcorn in theaters that may no longer exist."


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