Thursday, May 12, 2005 - Cellphone Hangup: When You Dial 911, Can Help Find You? - Cellphone Hangup: When You Dial 911, Can Help Find You?: "New York has diverted more of these funds than any other state. It has assessed a fee on monthly phone bills for 911 upgrades since 1991, longer than most states, and has the biggest charge, up to $1.50. But in a March 2002 report, the state comptroller found that the New York State Police in 2001 spent money intended for 911 upgrades on items such as $4.66 million for vehicle leases and purchases, $1.2 million for maintenance of radio systems, $19,187 for winter boots and more than $500 for dry cleaning. State officials said all of the expenses were related to the state police's 'public-safety mission,' according to a response to the report."
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