Tuesday, May 10, 2005


TelecomWeb: "The number of places in the United States with fiber to the home installed has grown to 398 communities in 43 states – up 83 percent from 217 communities the last time a count was done, just six months ago in October. Fiber now passes 1,619,500 homes, of which 829,700 have so far been offered service. Of those, 198,000 have subscribed so far.

The numbers still leave the United States far behind Japan and Europe. About 2.3 million homes in Japan are already connected to a fiber service along with 547,000 homes in Europe. Still, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who co-hosted a press conference at which the numbers were unveiled, called the growing U.S. numbers “a great first step,” adding, “we are in desperate need of next-generation broadband infrastructure” in the United States"


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